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Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)

We are ready to trade BNG units

Why work with us

BioCap is in dialogue with landowners and partners across West Berkshire regarding 11 BNG projects covering up to 600ha of land that have the potential to create new wildlife habitat, increase biodiversity, reduce nutrients and store carbon.  BioCap is working to develop a solution that meets the needs of developers for Biodiveristy Net Gain and for conservation agencies and land managers that wish to see Biodiversity enhanced 


We are seeking purchasers of over 1,000 Biodiversity Units who can work with us to bring these projects to fruition. 


W​e are a non-profit organisation and a registered charity focussed on bringing people together to achieve a positive impact for wildlife across the UK. Our work involves developing relationships with regional partners and landowners to facilitate improvements to our natural capital, using a balanced approach that includes biodiversity, nutrient neutrality and carbon capture. 


Our knowledge of land management and access to a pool of experts enables us to create effective initiatives on a landscape scale. We are currently working with the West Berkshire Council, North Wessex Downs AONB, Wildlife Trust, Freshwater Habitats Trust, Action for the River Kennet,  - 


National Coppice Federation and other organisations who consult on our projects to ensure that our work is feasible, impactful and compliments local strategy and conservation efforts.


Our first project is underway with seeds being planted, ponds dug and hedgerows established. This will create a variety of habitats for wildlife to flourish that produces Biodiversity Units which are ready to be traded.

Sulham Woodmeadows Project

We are collaborating with Sulham Estate ​in West Berkshire for a habitat restoration project across 130ha of former arable farmland. This is creating a significant number of Biodiversity units for sale.


This work will transform the existing cropland into a mosaic of biodiverse habitats. By providing a regional offering of high quality BNG units the estate has begun a transformation that not only creates habitat but also wider community engagement opportunities for local schools and community groups.


Further benefits include a significant contribution to soil health, air quality and carbon sequestration in a strategically important area to the west of Reading. The site will remain ‘farmed’ with grazing livestock and haymaking. The design and management of the scheme is sympathetic to the wider landscape of the AONB.

Sulham Stoneham Map

Our current plan of Stoneham's
*This could be subject to change* 

Contact Us

Please fill in the form below and one of our team will be in touch.

We will be in touch soon!

What is Biodiversity Net Gain?

What are Biodiversity Units?


What are the relevant policy considerations?


We are an action orientated organisation addressing the biodiversity and climate crises through community led, landscape ecosystem restoration and carbon capture.


BioCap is the prime mover in the establishment of a regional market for Natural Capital.  We are working with partners to put the necessary infrastructure in place.


T: 07899794794


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